The Agreement on the Kilimanjaring Project

I take the first step in the new PMBOK test-drive. It has now two inputs to the initiating process – business documents and agreements. Business documents include business-case and funding. Since we are going to conduct an expedition by startup technology and attract external funding, it is too early to talk about business documents. But Read more about The Agreement on the Kilimanjaring Project[…]

Summiting Mt. Kilimanjaro: A Project Management Case Study


Reaching almost twenty thousand feet high, Mount Kilimanjaro is the tallest point in Africa. In Swahili, Kilimanjaro is translated as the “Mountain of Greatness.” In 2000, my brother and I decided to climb this great mountain. We spent months preparing including understanding what we would need to summit, designing our approach, getting the right equipment and training for endurance. We then spent one week executing the plan up the mountain. Since these are the same steps required in managing any project, I decided to write a case study on Project Management best practices in the context of planning and executing our journey up the mountain.


Planning an expedition

Projects, hopes and resolutions jostled in my brain clamouring for attention. I could not wander from day to day. I had to plan.

Peter Boardman, Mountaineer

The start point of planning an expedition is simple. Initially you need three things: a piece of paper, a pencil and a quiet corner where no one will disturb you.

Pause – and let your mind mull over the kind of project you want to undertake. This may be linked to your own interests and training or to your own passion for outdoor activities. […]