Learn Portfolio Stakeholder Engagement

Portfolio stakeholders are the individuals, organizations, or groups that can affect, may be affected by, or perceive themselves to be affected by a decision, activity, or outcome of a portfolio. In addition, individuals, organizations, or groups that could affect the organization’s ability to achieve its objectives should also be treated as stakeholders. A large number of individuals and groups could be considered stakeholders, being somehow directly or indirectly affected by portfolio activities. When it comes to engaging and communicating with them, the question is on whom to focus and how to condense the long list of potential stakeholders. The stakeholder list at the portfolio level is significantly different from the list at the portfolio component level. The difference is not only related to the stakeholder level, but is also related to the level of interest of the involved stakeholders. Portfolio Stakeholder Engagement deals primarily with delivering strategies and allocating resources, whereas programs deal primarily with benefits management, and projects deal with delivering scope in terms of quality, time, and cost. These different interests mean that different roles will be considered for the stakeholders of a portfolio versus the stakeholders of a component.

To learn the Portfolio Stakeholder Engagement you need:

  1. Read the chapter ‘Portfolio Stakeholder Engagement’ in the Standard for Portfolio Management, 4th Edition (Chapter 6).
  2. Watch the videos:

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