Teach impossible to be fired!

To put a dot in the right place of this joke header and do not regret the decision made, you should base your decision on the specific facts.

The Knowledge Map online testing system will help you make this well-informed decision because it allows the following:

1. Check the actual level of knowledge of both an individual employee and a specific project team or get a general picture of knowledge for all PMO employees. As a result of testing, the system generates a summary report reflecting the knowledge level of the employees tested.

2. Get an objective assessment of the knowledge, taking into account the role of the employee in the project team. To achieve this, the system has customizable quantitative criteria for assessing the knowledge level – the level of the questions complexity, the number of questions in each topic tested, the time spent for the testing, the minimum passing score for each topic, etc.

An example of the Knowledge Map summary report

3. Comply with ethics regarding employees. Each employee can be allowed / disabled to view test results using simple settings in the organization account. Also, the account administrator can see what questions the employee answered, and which option was chosen to answer.

An example of the organization account settings

4. Form a program of further training and development for a specific employee or for PMO employees as a whole. The system gives the possibility to see a summary report after testing. It is also possible to track the dynamics of changes in grades (for a specific employee, a project team or PMO as a whole) after or during the training process, taking into account the influence of other factors aimed to improve the knowledge. The organization account doesn’t have any limits on the number of tests passing attempts (both on the same topic and on different ones).

5. Carry out the so-called “input” testing when hiring new employees. The organization account enables the administrator to add new test participants who may not currently be employees of the company. There are no restrictions on the number of such added participants.

Access to Knowledge Maps reports is life free!

Cases of our customers are described HERE.

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