Audit Process

The submission of an application indicates your agreement to comply with the terms of the Audit Process. All applications are subject to an audit, although only a percentage of applications are selected for audit. The selection of an application for audit is random. PMI conducts application audits to confirm the experience and/or education documented on certification applications. The purpose of the audit is to enhance the credibility of the certification program and of the certification holders.

If your application is selected for an audit, you will be notified by email prior to payment of the certification fee. The electronic audit notification provides detailed information on how to comply with the terms of the audit.

During an audit, you will be asked to submit supporting documentation such as:

  • Copies of your diploma/global equivalent.
  • Signatures from your supervisor(s) or manager(s) from the project(s) recorded in the experience verification section of the application.
  • Copies of certificates and/or letters from the training institute(s) for each course recorded on the application to meet the required contact hours of project management education.

PMI provides you with 90 days to submit the requested documentation. If you are able to provide the necessary documentation to meet the terms and requirements of the audit process, the audit should take about five to seven business days to complete.

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