Learning the Knowledge Areas

The Project Management Knowledge Areas are fields or areas of specialization that are commonly employed when managing projects. A Knowledge Area is a set of processes associated with a particular topic in project management. These 10 Knowledge Areas are used on most projects most of the time. The needs of a specific project may require additional Knowledge Areas.

The recommended learning sequence for the Knowledge Areas is based on your PMP Preliminary Test results and your Knowledge Map. The most difficult are the first. In this way, you will be able to move from areas that are more complex to easier ones.

NOTE: You cannot simply practice answering questions to prepare for PMP exam. The questions are provided to help you assess your knowledge and to get you familiar with the types of questions that are on the exam. Make sure you focus your study efforts on reading PMBOK and other books, watching videos, passing mock exams, review your Knowledge Map, and filling gaps in your project management knowledge.

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