Project education

The #Kilimanjaring Startup Project is all about education. We call it ‘project education’ – the learning by realizing a real project:

  • Do not learn by reading. Write and learn!
  • Do not learn by listening. Speak and learn!
  • Do not learn by getting. Create and learn!
  • Do not learn by watching. Act and learn!

The main challenge of our #Kilimanjaring Project is to find the money. This is a very applicable activity but sometimes it is very boring. That’s why, for educational purposes, we need something more attractive. In our case, this is climbing to Kilimanjaro Mountain.

The practice learning is highly effective, but rare idiot allows you to experiment with a real business project. Learning in classes is safe. You never lose money, time or resources more than scheduled in the curriculum. But far not all the theoretical knowledge will be applicable in praxis.

We intend to fulfill a startup project and learn how to raise the money for any idea.

We learn ourselves and are ready to share our knowledge.

Join us: #Kilimanjaring

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