Read ‘The Environment in which Projects Operate’

Projects exist and operate in environments that may have an influence on them. These influences can have a favorable or unfavorable impact on the project. Two major categories of influences are enterprise environmental factors (EEFs) and organizational process assets (OPAs).

To learn the Environment in which Projects Operate you need:

  1. Read the chapter ‘The Environment in which Projects Operate’ in the PMBOK Guide 6th Edition (Part 1, Chapter 2).
  2. Watch the videos:

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3 thoughts on “Read ‘The Environment in which Projects Operate’

  • Видео короткое – не хвататет обзора информации всего раздела.

  • Thanks for adding those videos to the module – from the personal outlook the fourth video is the most enthralling and distinct in terms of subject matter granular explanation – I would sincerely appreciate attaching identical videos to upcoming charters unless they have been added as yet – thanks!

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