The Portfolio Knowledge Areas are learned

Excellent! Hard work has been done; all the Knowledge Areas have been studied and checked by passing exams.

Now it is time to look at your knowledge in another dimension – begin to pass tasks on the Life Cycle.

If you still have difficulties in training, uncertainty, feel gaps in your knowledge, have unsolved questions, you can again consider our proposal for mentoring. Now our offer will be with a discount. The discount is equal to the number of percentages you collected during the exams in the Knowledge Areas. Look at your total score. This is your discount on mentoring. Moreover, all remaining exams (Life Cycle, Domains, and Mock Exam) will be free for you.

You can find details about the mentoring here.

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Ask your questions about our mentoring, if you just want to order it, or write your testimonial, if you already ordered it, in the comment below.

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